Good Afternoon! I wanted to share something similar to oh-so-addicting subscription boxes, which is Phone Case of the Month. Instead of a curated box every month, you receive a limited edition phone case. These are great for those who like to switch up their phone cases frequently.
Phone Case of the Month makes cases for iPhone and Samsung phones. Including the following models:
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 4s
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 5s
- iPhone 5c
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 6 Plus
- iPhone 6s
- iPhone 6s Plus
- Samsung Galaxy S3
- Samsung Galaxy S4
- Samsung Galaxy S5
- Samsung Galaxy S6
Each phone case comes in a white cloth pouch with an information card of that month’s design and appropriate hashtag.
Each phone case comes in a white cloth pouch with an information card of that month’s design and appropriate hashtag.
The cost of the phone case subscription is $10/month with the ability for you to cancel at any time. Their description says their cases are made of Poly Carbonate and ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), with a silicone coating for a soft to the touch feel.
The two cases I received are Living a Beautiful Life & Riding Unicorns. Living a Beautiful Life has a kaleidoscope pattern. Riding Unicorns has a mint background with the words “Be Brave” written in black,
I would personally not select such bold patterns for myself so receiving it via a subscription, it helped me to be a little more open with my taste.
In regards to durability, I have dropped my phone with these cases on and my iPhone was fine. Although I do prefer cases that have a protective edge all along the phone. I would be more at peace of mind knowing that PCOTM cases had that on their cases. Their cases are unique and one of a kind, as only 200 cases of each kind are printed.
You can get more information and signup for your own subscription on www.phonecaseofthemonth.com. Would a monthly phone case interest you? I’d love to know! 🙂